Red Cross Blood Drive

Each month, the Hudson League for Service sponsors a Red Cross blood drive  between noon and 6:00 pm at Barlow Community Center, located at 41 S. Oviatt St. in Hudson. Dates for 2024 are Jan. 17,  Feb. 21, March 20, April 17,  May 15, June 19, July 17, August 20, Sept. 18, Oct. 23, Nov. 20, Dec. 18.

League for Service 116The Hudson League for Service provides registration and hospitality to complement the trained staff of the American Red Cross

To schedule an appointment, please visit and enter sponsor code: HLFS or calling 1-800-Red-Cross (1-800-733-2767). Walk-ins welcome but appointments will be taken first.

Schedule your appointment  on line at

Red Cross coordination  Tina Daniels, our RC coordinator sent this note of thanks.
We were very pleased with the efforts of Hudson League for Service have always been greatly appreciated and their support of the community blood program will go a long way toward replenishing blood supplies and ultimately saving lives.  Again, thank you for your contribution and ongoing support of this important community program. Red Cross representative.”
