Food Pantry, Easter Baskets and Giving Tree

Our members volunteer their time and talents for the Hudson Community Service Association.  For more info about HCSA, go to

Housed at the Rejoice Lutheran Church, the Hudson Food Pantry serves families who reside in the Hudson City School District. Distribution is usually the fourth Saturday every month (except when a week earlier due to holidays)  from 12 to-2:00 p.m.  Dates for 2025 are:  1/25, 2/22, 3/22, 4/26, 5/17, 6/28. 7/26, 8/23, 9/27, 10/25, 11/15, 12/13. People can drop off non-perishable  anytime at a collection bin at Destination Hudson in the old Town Hall.  Click here for more info about the Food Pantry:

The League for Service donates new Scholastic books from the book fair All For One donations.

League members collect basket and materials for dozens of Easter basket for neighbors who sign up through the food pantry.

The League also supports the annual community GIVING TREE  to provide gifts for area families.
