2024 Random Acts of Kindness February 11-18

RAK is a reminder of the importance of kindness in our everyday lives.  Help make Kindness the Norm today and every day by acts small and large.  Sharing a smile has value to both the giver and the getter.  It costs nothing and the value is priceless. Look for moments today and everyday and celebrate by doing a kind deed.
Post your kindness photos at  #RAKHudson.

On Sunday, February 18th from 10 am to noon, The Page Turners are hosting their 4th annual Share a Book Drive. Hudson High school students, Tori Slotter and Jason Dement, will make it easy for you to ‘share a book’ at a drive-by donation drop off at the Hudson Farinacci Pizza parking lot at 86 Owen Brown Street. They will take gently used books of any kind. Books will be given to a variety other organizations throughout NE Ohio including Grace House, Literacy in the HOOD in Cleveland, Bright Star Book s in Akron, prison libraries and more.
